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  1. J

    Best EU BANK account for citizen that is traveling around EU

    @fcs2525 What nationality are you? What is your employment status? Are you a freelancer/consultant? You could explore optimizing your finances and banking by creating a company in Luxembourg and having a principal account there. Luxembourg has major tax incentives, amazing healthcare, and the...
  2. J

    Best EU BANK account for citizen that is traveling around EU

    @wehyee It was better in the beginning. As usual, the startups lure you in and later start nickle and diming (e.g. withdraws now).
  3. J

    Best EU BANK account for citizen that is traveling around EU

    @zabu I know people who run N26 and I hate them, I think they were very cocky when they started out and it hasn't panned out to be the revolution they thought it would be (surprise!), but the account has been useful at times.
  4. J

    Best EU BANK account for citizen that is traveling around EU

    @resjudicata Well, Italian companies pay among the worst in Europe, so if they're raking it in, that is kinda scammy, haha.