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    19 y/o student with no investment knowledge. What is the most passive way I can grow my RM10k?

    @dazza_73 ^ or sp500 ETF (long term passive investment)
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    Financial anxiety is real. Convince me to spend my bonus

    @kimmyfs "Save up for retirement or in case something happens (touch wood x3) and you wont have income anymore." Make it your target...long term target. Set a goal/amount that you want to achieve within a set years. As for lifestyle n daily spending, make a budget and stick to it. This should...
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    Advise on Clearing Hutang(s)/Loan

    @matthewades What is the remaining loan that need to pay? 2k discount is pretty tempting.
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    Advise on Clearing Hutang(s)/Loan

    @matthewades Question. Does paying more than the set monthly installments for car loan actually do anything? I remember car/vehicle loan interest (as in amount and not %) is already fixed right? For eg 5 year car loan for a 10k car with an interest of 3.2% is calculated as following: (10000 +...
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    Buying property using a company

    @lukemaster130 I believe the property will be your company asset and not expenses. In other words, your earning is still there but in the form of bricks and metals. The legal fees and other expenses when purchasing the properties on the other hand can be deducted.
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    How to sell car with loan remaining 54k(another 3 years left)

    @ttyler Too risky. Wear and tear, trust, sustainability etc
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    Noob and clueless about my financial skills

    @jesperh I'm saving up to buy my retirement and it costs a lot. The price keeps increasing too as inflation is kicking in.
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    Is Investment-Linked Insurance a Sneaky Trap?

    @biblequestions Question. For term, we have to manually renew annually or will it auto renew annually? Do we have to do a health checkup annually for it?
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    Noob and clueless about my financial skills

    @sweetascandy1990 I use an app called money manager n record everything immediately. Remember not to skip the tracking :)
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    Married couple, how do you handle finances?

    @lynnie7 At the beginning of the month she contributes 60%, end of the month she contributes another 40%
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    Noob and clueless about my financial skills

    @sweetascandy1990 Record/Track all your spending and decide where to cut down. You can track it in an app/excel or even on a booklet. Not "agak agak" but record every spending down. You are the only person that can help improve your situation.
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    Need Help in Redo LHDN e-filling
