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    EPF Account 3 coming really soon!

    @dw4559 For the near future, it will be the same across all 3 Accounts. They might or might not change it in the future.
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    Question on resignation

    @reebs I'm no lawyer or HR so I won't be the correct person to advise you on this lol EDIT: See my other comment based on your (9) but take it with a pinch of salt
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    Question on resignation

    @reebs If your contract is expiring on the 9th April, why do you need to give 2 months tender notice? Can't you just wait for it to expire and just leave? Is there a renewal clause in your contract? EDIT: Seems just like (C) where your contract will end after its expiry.. There shouldn't be a...
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    Is EPF the best low risk investment for people above 60 y/o?

    @treegreentrey Yup, very safe and you can withdraw it if you're above 60
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    Is EPF the best low risk investment for people above 60 y/o?

    @resjudicata Only downside for younger ppl below 55 or 60 (can’t rmb) is if you need the liquidity which EPF is the opposite of liquidity. If it’s money you know you will never need before that, then by all means contribute to EPF.
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    EPF Account 3 coming really soon!

    @bournejason111 Oh lol.. That you can do
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    EPF Account 3 coming really soon!

    @bournejason111 Hmmm, I doubt you can use it for the PRS tax relief category. It specifically states that it is for "Deferred Annuity and Private Retirement Scheme (PRS)". Even though I know that EPF is basically a retirement fund, EPF/KWSP is not a considered a PRS provider. PRS Providers...
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    Question on resignation

    @reebs Seems like: (1) They didn't offer you or convey to you their intention to renew your Contract of Employment not less than one (1) month of the expiry of your current contract. (2) You didn't not agree to any T&C of said (not-offered) renewal offer. Added: Best to get someone who...
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    EPF Account 3 coming really soon!

    @gopherking YA2023 allowed you to claim tax relief for voluntary contribution of RM3k to EPF. This would clash with the life insurance premiums tax relief though so if you already maxed out your life insurance premium tax relief, this voluntary contribution to EPF is redundant.
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    Friend won’t pay me back, what’s my opinions?

    @nickblack Just curious, isn't the small claims court for amount below RM5k? For OP's case, can he still go through the small claims court for his RM7k?
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    Friend won’t pay me back, what’s my opinions?

    @frogwellprincess Seems like you don't know him very well then.. He's rich but you still needed to lend him money?? Anyway I don't think you can do anything as there is no proof of you lending him the money (unless you have a written agreement). For your transaction with him, even if it's...
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    Help, do I need to file for taxes (BE form) if i earned less than 25 k last year??

    To add on, you need to keep your receipts and documents for at least 7 years in case LHDN selects you for an audit.
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    Help, do I need to file for taxes (BE form) if i earned less than 25 k last year??

    @khankorp Yes, though only fill up those that you are legitimately eligible for obviously like lifestyle, insurance premium tax relief, PRS, etc EDIT: And keep a proper filing system like scanned copies of receipt, documents, etc
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    Help, do I need to file for taxes (BE form) if i earned less than 25 k last year??

    @khankorp As most ppl have said, just file it. It is good practice for you regardless of whether it is really necessary or not
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    Advice needed. Contractor scammed me RM5k, promises to pay me back but it's been 2.5 years and he has not

    @missourian101 Go to Small Claims court. You have a lot of proof in the form of text history, police report, banking transactions (to determine the pending amount). EDIT: The fees for small claim courts are very reasonable, You can search online for it.