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  1. I

    A dangerous gap: The market v the real economy — The Economist, May 7 2020 edn

    @injesusname78 I agree but the Fed is so much more powerful. Their TALF program is just fucking genius. Reducing required capital rate is also lead to huge liquidity. They can do so much more tbh. But, if the banks lose faith in the Fed and their backing (which is near impossible) then it will...
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    A dangerous gap: The market v the real economy — The Economist, May 7 2020 edn

    @dreamwalker52 The Fed is what there is to be confident about. They came out and said we will do everything they can monetarily to help boost confidence. The government on the other hand has the fiscal power which is more effective. But that’s debatable.
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    A dangerous gap: The market v the real economy — The Economist, May 7 2020 edn

    @gidgetis1st I mean if that’s right I still think the Fed has done a great job in keeping confidence up. It’s when confidence falters that leads to sell offs. Fundamentals and confidence both play a role. Currently fundamentals are in the gutter but confidence is sound because Fed.