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    Help me figure out if I should keep VA Disability Pay or Drill pay while on reserves

    @ljubomir38 It was a rule as of my transition assistance program less than 6 months ago
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    Help me figure out if I should keep VA Disability Pay or Drill pay while on reserves

    @ljubomir38 If you’re over 30% the reserves aren’t supposed to take you
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    TSP won’t roll in Roth account from prior employer

    @bigbossjock Your quote that you selected doesn’t include Roth.
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    Depressed and in debt

    @holywalk It’s part of taking care of your people and being proactive to stop people from getting in the situation above. Even if that’s better briefs at safety stand downs or pre deployment briefs. If they are struggling at home how are they going to perform for you at work. And working at...
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    Depressed and in debt

    @lizzieb90 That’s because it’s the first time kids see money in their life and go crazy and leadership isn’t there to help and the command financial specialist is only doing it to get a bullet on their eval but is not helpful.
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    New to the service and want investing advice.

    @job3315 Op absolutely can and since he just got in the furthest out is probably their retirement group anyway. The furthest out will stay into the C and S funds longer and keep risk on longer
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    New to the service and want investing advice.

    @gloryoftheson If you can max the tsp max the tsp then anything above that put into your Roth IRA. You’ll see a lot of people suggest your Roth IRA first then TSP because there’s more options . If you can put 22k away in a Roth so it and the up doesn’t much matter at this point. The only thing...