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    Who is buying 1 year Corporate bonds when treasuries pay more?

    @webdesignbellflower For me treasuries under 1 year are probably the best option out of all the bond options. The state tax exemption can be a big deal for treasuries.
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    Vanguard Bond Holdings (e.g. VBTLX) versus holding in settlement fund (e.g. VMFXX)

    @mojoboy31 Cash holdings weren’t all that long ago barely over 0 percent. That is something to keep in mind. You can back test cashx vs total bond on portfolio visualizer to see how returns historically have been.
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    is a CD right for me or should I stick to a savings account?

    @laterrainfot You could also look at buying tbills at auction or even in secondary market. 6 month tbills are around 5.2% and they are state tax exempt if your tax has a high tax could be helpful. NY/CT/CA all have pretty high state tax so could be helpful in those places. Not the best option...
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    [Advice] Which fidelity funds to invest in?

    @moonphantom You are free to go 30/70 or whatever asset allocation you want. My take is I think those companies would know better than me on picking the right asset allocation. If the TDF are using market cap weights for their allocation I am fine by replicating it with individual funds.
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    [Advice] Which fidelity funds to invest in?

    @nikitamaria If you want to make your own 3fund you would want to go 83/8/9 with 500 mid cap and small cap indexes. Global ex us for international and us bond index for bond allocation. Here is guide for approximating us total market.