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    BANKRUPTCY Help! Can I still be employed as a Captive Agent? Any other ideas?

    @lastservant Do you think I'd struggle to get appointed for selling Variable Insurance, if I decided to get my securities license in a year or so?
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    BANKRUPTCY Help! Can I still be employed as a Captive Agent? Any other ideas?

    @carlnh Thank you very much. My current mindset has me settling with whoever will take me, but in a desperate state like that I am likely to make a mistake on who I go with. The answer you can provide can help me gain some confidence again about my outlooks so I don't have to settle.
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    BANKRUPTCY Help! Can I still be employed as a Captive Agent? Any other ideas?

    @carlnh Do you mind defining what "big troubles with my 2-15 means?" Would you, as someone who owns a L&H agency, be confident that I'd still be able to sell insurance for you? Not asking for a job opportunity but if another person was in your shoes, would they hire someone who's bankruptcy...
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    BANKRUPTCY Help! Can I still be employed as a Captive Agent? Any other ideas?

    Hello, I started studying for my P&C as well as my L&H in mid Jan of 2024 and passed both exams last week. I applied for my licenses and officially got them a couple days ago. Yay. I was hoping to go the independent agent route so I could work remotely but quickly found out after applying for...