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  1. H

    I am in my 20s, and my father is asking me to pay 150,000 yen per month for rent.

    @johnc1953 TBH, I did save 1M yen over 4 years and still did things like travel (a few international), going out, buying video games etc. Now I earn quite a lot more and it mostly goes to the family.
  2. H

    I am in my 20s, and my father is asking me to pay 150,000 yen per month for rent.

    @mpax38 That's really bad. I have 3 kids myself and I want to help them be independent, not rely on them. I think your father and yourself should downsize to a small apartment and live separately. Just give him enough time to adapt. Tell him you want independence and he will understand. If he...
  3. H

    I am in my 20s, and my father is asking me to pay 150,000 yen per month for rent.

    @mpax38 Dude I feel sorry for you. 150,000 yen rent on a 250,000 salary is brutal. I use to live on 250,000 yen in a 57,000 yen 1K apartment and I barely saved anything. Is your dad paying utilities? Still, that's pretty rough. Definitely move out into an apartment. Tell your dad he can come...