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  1. A

    25 y/o beginning of career

    @kyle713 Hmm i’ll have to look into my 401(k) plan but looking into upping contributions and the loan aspect actually may be very beneficial. Thank you for the info !
  2. A

    25 y/o beginning of career

    @nae64 Thank you for giving me info! I’ll have to do some research but this clears up some cloudiness. I’m engineering undergrad so MBA is not too bad.
  3. A

    25 y/o beginning of career

    1) $85K salary (+8% bonus) as of 2023 LCoL 2) 401K fully matched (my 6% gets me 4%) 3) HSA just started but it’s $3850 w/ next year being $4100 4) $30K in investments 5) Bought new (used) car in full 6) in my MBA program getting paid in full by work 7) No credit card debt with 6y history and a...