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    Where are those super salaries in excess of 200k USD coming from in the US and do such opportunities exist in Europe?

    @fredbird67 When you’re on this level, the cost of an apartment or groceries does not really matter. The only thing that is important are the tax percentages on corporate, capital gains etc.
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    Where are those super salaries in excess of 200k USD coming from in the US and do such opportunities exist in Europe?

    @mikedo You’re 100% correct. Personally, i’m looking to move. Singapore or switzerland are the current options. Germany does absolutely everything to try and kill startup owners and investors and tax the fuck out of them. IMO germany is going to be worse in next 10y. It’s too old and conservative.
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    Where are those super salaries in excess of 200k USD coming from in the US and do such opportunities exist in Europe?

    @rikdo CTO in blockchain tech. I do have my own company through which this is paid out but i have few big clients.
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    Where are those super salaries in excess of 200k USD coming from in the US and do such opportunities exist in Europe?

    @ericn It’s the tech sector. I made 300k nett this year. In germany. Also, you have to be really good at what you do. US is much more capital driven than the Europe.
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    Buy or rent a home in Switzerland - Google sheet

    @kimberlykay Buying a home will almost always be a terrible investment from financial point of view but could be a very good one emotionally.