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  1. M

    TIL - If your tax rate at contribution and withdrawal is the same, your take home from pretax RRSP contribution is the same as TFSA at withdrawal

    @momofone1 Not the same employment income, just the same taxable income. Your CPP/OAS counts as taxable income, people with a work pension have it counted as taxable income, RRSP (or RRIF) withdrawals count as taxable income. Somebody with no work pension will probably be in a lower tax...
  2. M

    TIL - If your tax rate at contribution and withdrawal is the same, your take home from pretax RRSP contribution is the same as TFSA at withdrawal

    @sportfishingjunkie You can use both a TFSA & an RRSP at different points in your career. When you're starting out and expect your income/marginal tax rate to increase max out your TFSA's to start growing that money and when you're at the peak income phase of your career/life switch to the...