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  1. M

    Why investors should not be worried about the expansion of the money supply causing inflation in four easy charts.

    @rogstahjunior It naturally happens as cost to have children rises beyond what people can afford. Though I suppose some people don’t care and just have kids anyways.
  2. M

    Why investors should not be worried about the expansion of the money supply causing inflation in four easy charts.

    @tuhermano Then move there. All cities do not need to become like that.
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    Why investors should not be worried about the expansion of the money supply causing inflation in four easy charts.

    @inluvwithjc What happens when you pack a city with your dense housing and population still grows? You need to build yet denser housing! Or you are punishing others with fiscal crucifixion! At some point society needs to state what the limit is, and I think we can do it sooner in order to...
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    Why investors should not be worried about the expansion of the money supply causing inflation in four easy charts.

    @inluvwithjc You are assuming population growth must continue, but at some point it must stop. When it stops I would prefer areas that still look open with trees rather than suffocating buildings surrounding everything. Having SFH or high rises filling an area is equally bad for the...
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    Why investors should not be worried about the expansion of the money supply causing inflation in four easy charts.

    @iowagander If every squarefoot of a city were high rise apartments then it would be full. That would be the fundamental limit. I suggest we can regulate cities to prevent them from becoming dystopian hellscapes of masses of people living on top of each other, and they would "fill up" sooner...
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    Why investors should not be worried about the expansion of the money supply causing inflation in four easy charts.

    @iowagander You missed my point, cities do not need to become hyper dense like NYC, not everyone wants that.
  7. M

    Why investors should not be worried about the expansion of the money supply causing inflation in four easy charts.

    @j10 At some point society needs to recognize a population limit. Should it be after a city is packed with all high rise buildings, or can it be when a city still looks nice with single family homes?