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  1. S

    Should I buy U.S. Dividend stocks when I’m a Canadian?

    @michelet Thanks for your response. I concentrated my dividend stocks (both US and Canada) in my TFSA and my non-dividend stocks in my RRSP. Now that I'm retired I'll start to take my dividends out to supplement my pension without having to treat them as taxable income (other than the 15%...
  2. S

    Should I buy U.S. Dividend stocks when I’m a Canadian?

    @resjudicata Isn't this a "pay me now or pay me later" situation? If I put them into a TFSA then I have to pay the 15% withholding tax - but when I withdraw the money it is tax free. If I put them in my RRSP then I avoid the 15% withholding tax but I have to treat a withdrawal as taxable...