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  1. L

    Married 26M LDR, wife wants to be stay at home. Sacrifice paying mortgage early for a kid?

    @light4 Oh well there's your plan then. She gets a part time job and goes to school. That's not the same thing as being a housewife. Pay the mortgage off with her part time gig. Wait on having kids until she's got her career going. Then you can decide if daycare is worth the financial hit vs her...
  2. L

    Married 26M LDR, wife wants to be stay at home. Sacrifice paying mortgage early for a kid?

    @craigp I did the SAHM thing for about a year and a half with my firstborn, but I've mostly been a working mom my entire adult life and you're right. Would it be nice to have somebody at home to do all the chores so you don't have to? Sure. Is daycare expensive? Absolutely. But the hard part...
  3. L

    Anyone concerned AI will take their jobs?

    @hopingforchange That's what I'm saying. Good luck building an algorithm to do anything but the most basic functions, they're currently just advanced VRUs.
  4. L

    Anyone concerned AI will take their jobs?

    @april_0718 Lolol yep. Its a great gig to start out at though, with the travel.