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  1. M

    Why get an IRA if you have a (401)k?

    @tabler Whether you can or not really depends if your workplace 401k plan allows self-directed investing or has the kinds of index funds you want to invest into. As for whether you should do a Roth 401k or a 401k, it's really a lifestyle question. You do generally get more in retirement with a...
  2. M

    Why get an IRA if you have a (401)k?

    @tabler No. You can rebalance the portfolio without penalty (aka sell and keep cash, or sell and use cash to buy other stocks), but you can't take distributions from it.
  3. M

    Why get an IRA if you have a (401)k?

    @hmd Yes, in that case it's just an extra ~$6500 you can contribute to an IRA and can rebalance tax-free (usually can't deduct if you make more than 80k AGI)
  4. M

    Why get an IRA if you have a (401)k?

    @mitchrad A regular IRA allows you to sell assets without triggering a taxable event, and lets you buy any stock you want vs a workplace 401k where often you can only pick certain mutual funds. Say you bought 10k of one stock in a regular IRA, if it does grow to 100k, you can sell it all at...