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  1. P

    10 Years of Personal Finance Advice in under 10 minutes

    @seekeroftruth343 ... the rich dad poor dad guy is ALL over the news right now for owing the bank almost a billion dollars. No thank you.
  2. P

    Unmatched wages

    @jorian Why are you still supporting your grown children? Support is something you give them to thrive. My dad supported me financially all throughout college so I could focus on my degree. He supported me emotionally as I worked through engineering school. And now in my 30s he's supported me by...
  3. P

    $235k for family of 4 to live comfortably in top 100 biggest cities!

    @spread_the_gospel_online You seem like an outlier, though. 40k a year is really high. But my point is that gas here in Seattle is higher. Average gas is about $3/gallon in Oklahoma city, and $4.69 in Seattle. It could be argued people have to drive further whenever they need to move around in...
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    $235k for family of 4 to live comfortably in top 100 biggest cities!

    @phil4508 It also assumes the transportation costs in Oklahoma city are similar to that of Seattle. Which.. as a Seattle resident I highly doubt.
  5. P

    $235k for family of 4 to live comfortably in top 100 biggest cities!

    @merleharlin Part of this is just the problem with the methodology. The MIT living wage calculator assumes you spend more on transportation than housing in Oklahoma city. For Oklahoma city it assumes 1 adult with 0 children spends $9800 per year on housing but $10,996 on transportation. And then...