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  1. J

    Have groceries gone up? Backed up with 4 years worth of data

    @tirynn At a society level, I'd argue this is a good thing for quite a few products? Many people consider 'done' when the plate/container/bottle is empty. But reducing the size of the alcohol bottle/microwavable meal container, we're slowly reducing the amount of these negative products...
  2. J

    Dividends Are Irrelevant (Sort Of...)

    @resjudicata Exactly. If you want to invest in a bank, you're going to get dividends no matter what. You'd be an idiot if your math told you that a bank is a good investment, but you didn't go for it simply because 'dividends are bad '
  3. J

    Dividends Are Irrelevant (Sort Of...)

    @resjudicata Yep You need to apply the exact same thing as you do for growth. You buy good companies, not just ones with a strong trait. Don't buy a growth company growing very fast if it doesn't have a moat. Don't buy a dividend company because it has a high yield. Buy a company because it...
  4. J

    23 y/o F in Vancouver, I feel hopeless and lost

    @donovb There is absolutely something wrong with that. She was saying it's making an eating disorder worse. This really means the OP needs to work on their mindset and priorities