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  1. R

    This govt. is getting paranoid about C.@.$.H

    @jajohnson8907 Seeing govt. and the c-word in your title I had skipped opening this post initially. It registered to me as something govt. something chutiya and got ignored since I don't really visit this sub with an intention of reading political rants. I only opened this thread later after...
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    Form 26AS updated and will include certain high value transactions including mutual funds, stocks, FD, real estate etc

    @caothuyluc123 Chromium derivatives don't seem to have this problem. Just wanted to know whether this Firefox issue is specific to my configuration or a genuine website fault since they claim that "Site best viewed on latest version of Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome".
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    This govt. is getting paranoid about C.@.$.H

    @jajohnson8907 Dude, you are allowed to use CASH in the post title. It's not banned on this sub. BTW that link isn't working. I think this is the article you wanted to link.
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    Form 26AS updated and will include certain high value transactions including mutual funds, stocks, FD, real estate etc

    @richardhandsonn Income tax website stopped showing Form 26AS for all the family accounts I manage, except one, a couple of years back. For these accounts, the income tax site redirects me to TRACES site for accessing Form 26AS. And TRACES website requires separate registration as a taxpayer.
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    Form 26AS updated and will include certain high value transactions including mutual funds, stocks, FD, real estate etc

    @praisethelord123 Uhh... any Firefox users here? Are you even able to login to view Form 26AS on the TRACES website? There was no problem till last year but now selecting the "Taxpayer/PAO" option on the login page loads the "Deductor" section instead. Am wondering is it just me or are other...
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    How does volume compare to the change in open interest?

    @docrich Uh-oh, don't let my question be one of those, please! Almost giving up here, I was thinking of posting to other subs but then I had an observation (noted in the post update) which makes me wonder if the issue perhaps relates to NSE terminology/methodology exclusively. So, now I am not...
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    How does volume compare to the change in open interest?

    @notalkb4coffee Yes, that makes perfect sense and the numbers also do add up. It's just that I couldn't find any explanation on the NSE website regarding their own odd usage terminology. I am marking this query as resolved now. Thanks a lot!
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    How does volume compare to the change in open interest?

    @notalkb4coffee I am aware that NSE considers 'turnover' based on notional value of a contract which incorporates the number of shares in a contract. But AFAIK volume and OI are always in terms of the number of contracts only. Quoting from this link on the NSE website itself: If that is...
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    How does volume compare to the change in open interest?

    I understand that open interest (OI) indicates the no. of outstanding contracts while volume refers to the no. of contracts traded. When both parties open a new position, OI increases by 1. When both parties close a position, OI decreases by 1. When an old party passes off a position to a new...
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    Few questions for FIREd folks

    @valera Hmmm... you've skipped the questions which might have shed some light on how your FIRE is kept burning. So, should I assume that the major source of your current income is day trading itself?
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    Few questions for FIREd folks

    @loulou1 Well, nobody is born as such. As they say, what doesn't break you makes you stronger. I'd say it applies to the market as well. If you don't allow trading to break (financially bankrupt or psychologically affect) you [by implementing a proper risk management system], you only get...
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    Few questions for FIREd folks

    @loulou1 Unless one is in a position to take advantage of both rising as well as falling markets, long-only trading feels more like participating in a race with both your legs tied together. Anyways, so InvestR will now possibly be followed by TradR or something, eh?! :P BTW how's the traffic...
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    Few questions for FIREd folks

    @loulou1 I gather from your other comments that you are getting into trading. Which segment - cash or derivatives?
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    Few questions for FIREd folks

    @loulou1 Now that is a universally accepted fact and I am glad it works out so well for you! However I, personally, have a different take on this w.r.t. FIRE. I also love what I do, when I do, where I do or heck [for prolonged periods at will] even if I do, so I guess there's no real need for...
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    Few questions for FIREd folks

    @loulou1 Going by that example, if your annual take home salary was 10 lakhs then what were your annual expenses at that time? Man, that sounds like too much work / pressure for a stress-free retired life! Well, with the ambitious target you are working with, it's not technically a lie! :P...
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    For Someone who is absolutely at level Zero in terms of Money Management [New to Investing]

    @lukocyte Given their predictably low returns, there is no need to take unnecessarily high risks with them. A liquid/UST fund should be enough to do most of the jobs (unless there is a requirement which specifically calls for riskier debt funds). And a couple of them from different AMCs would...
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    Few questions for FIREd folks

    @gunderson500 Hey, that's cool. Thanks for your time and patience, may your FIRE keep burning bright! :)
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    For Someone who is absolutely at level Zero in terms of Money Management [New to Investing]

    @lukocyte No problems with the advice as long as people are also aware of the risks. Anyone using [liquid/UST] debt funds as a savings bank alternative should be prepared for the possibility of up to 10-15% loss overnight. When weighed against the benefits, if you find this risk acceptable then...
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    Few questions for FIREd folks

    @gunderson500 Your long-term bucket is what multiple of the short-term bucket at present? Also, what was this ratio back when you FIREd? IMO just mentioning something about consultancy or freelancing, preferably "online", is enough to satisfy >95% people without requiring any further effort...
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    Few questions for FIREd folks

    @gunderson500 Fair enough, no compulsion. Feel free to share whatever you are actually comfortable with revealing. Okay, how many months' worth emergency (medical and healthcare included) fund do you maintain and where (cash, bank, MF, etc.)? The usual 3 buckets? How often do you re-balance...