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    Life Insurance for Non-Breadwinners

    @jesuspleasesaveme Not getting insurance because you don’t have dependents is complete bullshit. You depend on yourself. CI insurance is the right way to go, since your gut is thinking about getting insurance, get it already for peace of mind that whenever something happens, you won’t be...
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    When is the right time to practice Self Insurance?

    @spiritoforder I absolutely 100% agree.
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    Life Insurance for Non-Breadwinners

    @jesuspleasesaveme HMO is already provided when you’re employed and the payments go higher every year. Get CI insurance and you’re covered 10x HMOs can for the same price and premiums doesn’t go up.
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    When is the right time to practice Self Insurance?

    @spiritoforder Thank you for this as well and thank you for being positive about this sub! Knowing that someone appreciates this sub despite receiving a lot of criticism is just really heartwarming.
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    Ethical selling behavior of Filipino life insurance agents

    @bwattz yeah why not, your post, your rules. I love how you’re studying the ethics in selling as it has been a growing issue in our country. I also hope you will share the data to provide insights on how it is currently. Although most FA should go through ethics training unless they didn’t went...
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    Hi looking for tips

    @happyhorsefeathers i added the link to the thread on my comment. It’s a good starting point.
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    Insurance Dilemma

    @resjudicata check the procedure on withdrawing your VUL, some policies charge u 100% when withdrawing super early so best to keep it there and let it sustain itself..
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    How to be a Non-life insurance Agent???

    @revonue What type of ‘non-life’, i dont have strong knowledge but what I know is banks provide this. Take big precautions in joining and avoid scams..
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    Hi looking for tips

    @happyhorsefeathers Your policy is actually expensive for the coverage you are getting. There’s a guide currently posted in r/phinvest to give you an initial assessment if a VUL is really for you. It’s great that you are asking for other opinions before diving in. Also, it’s advisable you...
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    Ethical selling behavior of Filipino life insurance agents

    @bwattz i love this. this could also be posted in phinvest as u’ll have more audience.
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    Looking for additional moderators

    must have insurance license or a licensed financial advisor very passionate about insurance must know right insurance advising ethics send me requirements and portfolios via gdrive link via telegram and will add 2-3 moderators to help educate philippines into getting insured
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    When is the right time to practice Self Insurance?

    Let me initially make the first post and discuss this topic here. What do you guys think about doing self insurance, when is it beneficial and when is it not?
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    Whole Life Insurance

    I’m encouraging fellow insurance enthusiasts or professionals to post their knowledge. If you have knowledge in different insurance products in the philippines, please comment or post ones that you have great knowledge in. Whether it be their pros or cons, as long as whole life. This will be...