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  1. Y

    Need advice re: daughter still in school becomes the family bank + investment plan

    @rachelr15 It will be hard. Contrary to what other people say, words CAN hurt. Even more than physical attacks. Unfortunately, you'll just have to bear it. What you do is you WRITE down (cant record illegally) everything they say to you so that you do not forget it in the future. There is a...
  2. Y

    Need advice re: daughter still in school becomes the family bank + investment plan

    @rachelr15 Are you no longer a minor? Tell your scholarship unit that your parents are NOT AUTHORIZED to transact with them / ask any questions. Invoke data privacy act (IF you are not a minor) CUT ALL TIES. As soon as ECQ is over, and if you can return (and afford) your dorm, leave. From your...