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  1. G

    ETF investment strategy change

    @captivatedbygod VWCE does not pay a dividend. So 1. SP500 ETF + 2. EU ETF. 80/20 or 70/30. Just what you like. VWRL is also an option if you want to include EM
  2. G

    ETF investment strategy change

    @captivatedbygod Some of the reasoning to not include extra RE in a portfolio you can find here Besides that I like it simple, that’s why I stick with a simple 2 etf portfolio (which pay a dividend). I don’t like...
  3. G

    ETF investment strategy change

    @captivatedbygod Reason for the second option. You already own these ETFs. You only have to sell the others. For RE check the factsheet of VWCE VWCE contains RE + EM. I am not a fan of EM. But that’s personal. Dividend is not in (a / my) strategy. That’s why I pick 2 of the biggest markets...
  4. G

    ETF investment strategy change

    @captivatedbygod Keep it simple. RE is already in your portfolio. Just buy 100% VWCE or if you want to pick from your list 80/20 ISHARES CORE S&P 500 (SXR8) 80 ISHARES MSCI EUROPE SRI (IUSK) 20