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    Buying T-bills (Treasury Bills) and Government Bonds directly v/s Investing in Liquid & Overnight Funds

    @listentoreason 6% returns are yield percentage for the whole year, right? At the end of 91D bill, you get only a percent of the return for it, right?
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    Buying T-bills (Treasury Bills) and Government Bonds directly v/s Investing in Liquid & Overnight Funds

    @ngocthanh2015 Would there have been some intimation through mail/SMS?
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    Buying T-bills (Treasury Bills) and Government Bonds directly v/s Investing in Liquid & Overnight Funds

    @ngocthanh2015 I put a 91 day bill for 30k and I got back the 30k only. Am I checking something wrong?
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    Buying T-bills (Treasury Bills) and Government Bonds directly v/s Investing in Liquid & Overnight Funds

    @budzybudz But this gain is only when we keep Liquid funds for three years, right? For that duration aren't other funds better?