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  1. B

    Net worth goal to retire

    @bradely Any numbers you see, assume they're in today's euros, inflation adjusted. So whenever he reaches the amount that brings the purchasing power of 40k€ in 2023.
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    Feedback on how to invest 60k

    @pat4jesus What makes you think Tesla will outperform the market? I'm interested to hear what due diligence you did that brought you to that company. Its price is almost 60x the earnings. I appreciate stock picking, including investing in Tesla if you like it, but combined with "first-time...
  3. B

    Which ones to keep and which ones to kick? VUAA, VWCE, IWDA, QQQ, BRK B

    @shilva Did* There are periods when it does and periods when it doesn't which tend to periodically switch.
  4. B

    Dare to 'disagree' with Buffet and Bogle?

    @scripturewinds I wholeheartedly agree that the companies coming from the United States will lead the world probably for the rest of my life. The thing is, you and I aren't very smart to think that; the market shares our belief. So that's baked into the price. Let me quote Benjamin Graham on...
  5. B

    Dare to 'disagree' with Buffet and Bogle?

    @englishcatholic17 Delivered fewer results recently. This is just recency bias. It's not a given that the trend will continue. In fact, more often than not good performers switch places cyclically.