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  1. J

    $235k for family of 4 to live comfortably in top 100 biggest cities!

    @chris0699 I don't know about other places but I live in Los Angeles, we have a HHI of about $220k, 2 kids (I have joint custody/50%, but I ALSO pay child support), I max retirement accounts, kids' 529 accounts, gf is younger and not as far along in her career but contributes to 401k and Roth as...
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    Unmatched wages

    @jorian I'm $150k and a net worth of around $500k give or take, $210k household but with 2 school aged kids, HCOL area, an expensive divorce (almost) behind me, child support and I guess I just feel middle class, despite it not being feasible to buy a starter home post-divorce. I just don't...
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    Unmatched wages

    @jorian I just love that in the article is points out how GenZ talks about how it would take "years to save up $30k for closing costs and a down payment". $30k?! LOL. Where, on the f'ing surface of Venus? I know I'm in a bubble of pain and despair in sunny southern CA but $30k and you can buy a...
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    Retirement? Never heard of it

    @childofgodharrison wow, like no kids ever, without having ever had kids. trip out. well, you should be fine then
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    Retirement? Never heard of it

    @childofgodharrison This tells me very little except you have a spending problem. Net worth is what’s important, assets minis liabilities and how much are you keeping over the long term. Misc spending of $4k is just silly. Get your spending in order, stop buying bullshit, up your 401k and roth...
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    Unmatched wages

    @dominion247 EXACTLY
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    Unmatched wages

    @timothygrae very true. I think it's also the savings game that makes it feel like you're struggling even when 20% of your income is going to retirement and investment accounts. If you're trying to set yourself up and have a nest egg it could feel like you're barely making ends meet when it's...
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    Future Anxiety - How’m I doing?

    reddit is so amusing, or rather, the little reddit overachievers that just downvote all kinds of random posts. Who goes around downvoting, unless it is someone spreading misinformation or something that isn't factually correct? Weirdos. Seeing some of my replies to people's comments that were...
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    Future Anxiety - How’m I doing?

    @bronald No we didn’t because when we got married we didn’t have much $, and she made more than I. But when the kids came it shifted to me working all the time and her being self-employed, was hard for her to keep her business going w young kids. Thats the official narrative.. never mind I paid...
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    Unmatched wages

    @chiefgeek yep
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    Future Anxiety - How’m I doing?

    @bronald Thank you for this. Sort of sad as it is, encouragement from strangers makes me feel a little better. Divorce is brutal if you married someone who earns far less. Throw kids in the mix and wow… the lawyers get involved and you’re then both just passengers on the pain train. And yes, I...
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    Future Anxiety - How’m I doing?

    @megz088 Yes for sure. I am prob high mid for market value of my position. I also have to consider work life balance. I truly work about 10 mos a year and our busy season is april-nov. its not 5 days a week so I have time to spend real quality time w my kids. Theyre young and this time is...
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    Future Anxiety - How’m I doing?

    @megz088 Yeah, haha not hard to guess the company.. For sure man, I think that’s a few years off though at least. I got a 6% raise that takes effect in Jan and a 10% bonus this year which, after 401k and taxes its like cut in half..
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    Future Anxiety - How’m I doing?

    @megz088 Thanks for the feedback and understanding. I could eventually move into a senior and then director role. Think of any massive concert or large event you’ve ever seen. I deal with the logistics and budget for all the things behind-the-scenes, that end up on stage. Things like Audio...
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    Trying to wrap my mind around having three separate banks.

    @godwilling My credit union is a pass through to pay bills and have a physical branch to deposit cash. Online for any idle cash where I have CD, HYS and money market accounts
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    Future Anxiety - How’m I doing?

    @jackier293 Great advice. My parents have a living trust. I am also just about finished setting up my own living trust.
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    Future Anxiety - How’m I doing?

    @jackier293 I love to hear realistic, sensible input and advice from people such as yourself; thank you. It affirms what I have already gathered, observing friends who have taken the plunge only to always seem cash strapped but going on and on about “how much more there house is worth now”...
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    Future Anxiety - How’m I doing?

    @jackier293 Well yeah cuz up until recently, I was going to try and buy a house but plans are changing. Nice to hear so many responses that are echoing my own thoughts, that it’s a much better move to do as you have just said - stack $$ and retire somewhere cheaper. Doesn’t even mean leaving...
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    Future Anxiety - How’m I doing?

    @joshua14 Yeah, think about these things all the time. Thank you for the feedback
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    Future Anxiety - How’m I doing?

    @summerbell Somewhat yes. Has to be the right spot though. I conceptualize the gotta get in there idea but I’m not 29 and single (which would have been the time to buy a condo, if I were actually making real money @ 29 and having my act together), and don’t to fully sacrifice to have a $4800...