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  1. S

    PSA: If you are currently invested in L2050, 18% of your funds are allocated in G+F

    @jtbrock Ya I'm just manually balancing my account now. I'll just set a reminder to review it twice a year.
  2. S

    PSA: If you are currently invested in L2050, 18% of your funds are allocated in G+F

    @sarahac 12 month gain was 18%. Considering the SP500 returned 27% in that same time, not great. I didn't have everything in L2050 but had the majority of my allocation and contribution set there.
  3. S

    PSA: If you are currently invested in L2050, 18% of your funds are allocated in G+F

    Like most of you I recently got my Q4/Annual statement. TSP has always been pretty set and forget for me. I was looking over the performance of my folio and felt like it was a little low. I have about half my allocation in L2050 and the rest in C/S. The current allocation setting for...