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  1. S

    How do I get my kicker?

    @lifeseeker No, he is totally incorrect - what he is talking about is that Active Duty soldiers who paid $100.00 a month for 12 months choose to use the Post 9/11 GI Bill will get the $1200.00 refunded to them when they use this GI Bill (if they use all 36 months) their final month - has nothing...
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    How do I get my kicker?

    @liveaschrist e for effort, lol, better than a d for diploma though.
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    How do I get my kicker?

    @liveaschrist You are not talking about a Kicker but the $1200.00 you paid to buy into the MGIB program. Kicker programs are part of enlistment contracts not the $1200.00 you bought into the MGIB program.
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    How do I get my kicker?

    @lifeseeker rofl
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    How do I get my kicker?

    @lifeseeker That's it, forgot that CH1606 is still on the older computer systems which put the address on the top left. Your GTG. And since you are in Iowa, can you drop over to Omaha and slap my cousin for me? I don't go north in the winter, lol. Grew up in NE Nebraska myself. Plainview.
  6. S

    How do I get my kicker?

    @lifeseeker Yes, print out and mail to the address on your letter from VA (top of page center) showing you are eligible. If you can't find it, PM me and I'll hunt it down for you.
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    How do I get my kicker?

    @lifeseeker /@millenniumforce is totally correct. The VA needs copies of the paperwork from your enlistment contract showing that your kicker is part of your contract. Once they receive this, they will verify this with Guard or Reserve component and start paying you. They will also back pay you...
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    How do I get my kicker?

    @resjudicata totally correct.
  9. S

    Tax Returns & Enlistment Bonuses

    @anaaaaa Enlistment/Re-enlistment bonuses are taxed like regular income and are typically added in with your regular wages and reported on the same W-2. You will also have taxes automatically withheld from your bonus, generally at the 25% or 28% rate...