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    Week-to-Week Rental Saga: Am I a Landlord or Just Running the World’s Longest B&B?

    @davidbarber leave it all be. pay whatever taxes your preparer says you owe out of the money you have been setting back each month from the rental income. rinse and repeat for 2024
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    [ALL STATES] If you're a part-time W-2 worker whose only reduction in income came from gig side-work, how do you qualify for UI?

    @sarsath doubtful you can as they will default to the W-2 Job, which you are not unemployed from.
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    [Louisiana] Just received 90-Day PoE Notice threatening overpayment, but I've already won my overpayment appeals...?

    @fafaparola Quite surprised you won an appeal when you weren't job-attached right before Covid. There are many like you but who have overpayments not forgiven. I'd still be twitchy in your situation as it is an outlier for sure
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    Car Insurance went up 77% in the last six months. F**k Progressive

    @tom960 if the insurance paid $1000 on your deer claim, that is what is fucking your rates. Not that it's right, but that's what it is. You'll find every other company will do the same. I know because I'm just at my third year since I hit a big dog at 55 mph and did $1900 in damages and just...
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    [Minnesota] Got a letter 6 months after benefits for an $8.5k overpayment

    @moriarty777 You took liberties reading Covid into your situation. You were unemployed for a reason unrelated to Covid. It's well documented that covid making it more difficult to find a job is not going to get you paid. You have to be connected to a job that gets effected by Covid. Your appeal...
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    [Pennsylvania] PUA asking for employment documentation?

    @proudwoman4 provide your Schedule C from your 2020 taxes where you declared this income. If you can't provide that you are likely well and truly boned.
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    [Maryland] Unresolved Unemployment Insurance Claim After Quitting Unsafe Job

    @mottorpop Did an official government body rule the conditions were unsafe? OSHA? Is the back and forth between you and your boss about the conditions email or text that you have copies of? If yes on both of the above, you have a good chance.
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    [COLORADO] Employer Appealing UI Decision. Odds I Win?

    @prudence21 if you have a documented trail where you and management tried to work out accommodations for your ills, you have a chance. If you don't have a substantial paper trail, it is most likely you will lose.
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    Reached 6 months and still unemployed [New York]

    @nine_lanterns Nope. You can't get a new claim now until 1 year after your original claim began. Of course if you just skate until then not working, you won't be monetarily eligible to collect even at the end of a year.