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    Term life eDelivery signing while outside USA

    @bmillerware Sorry I couldn’t help more
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    Term life eDelivery signing while outside USA

    @bmillerware Generally most companies want you to be in the country when you sign it, but if you prepaid you might be covered? Have you tried emailing your agent and asking him?
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    Term life eDelivery signing while outside USA

    @bmillerware Which company did you get the policy with?
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    Has anyone ever heard of Global Financial Impact?

    @eleader22 Ahhhh I see. Don’t know anything about them. Well if you are looking to be a life agent maybe I can help you I know some recruiters. Shoot me a dm if you want.
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    Has anyone ever heard of Global Financial Impact?

    @eleader22 I guess the better question is how did you get into the zoom meeting. I can’t find anything about them on google but who knows. What are they trying to get you to buy?
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    Has anyone ever heard of Global Financial Impact?

    @eleader22 Where did they get your info from?