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  1. T

    Need to park some money over 4 years

    @gen00 Yes. Loan is fixed @1.75% for 5 years then variable at 2.75%. But plan is to pay it off in 5 years and get another loan to buy another rental (since interest rate is so low)
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    Need to park some money over 4 years

    @sandy33 Loan is fixed @1.75% for 5 years after 5 years goes up to 2.75% but my plan is to pay it off in 5 years and buy another rental (since loan interest rates are so low)
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    Need to park some money over 4 years

    I need to park around 100k over the next 4 years (to pay off a home loan). I have 15k right now and will save the rest over the next 4 years. Would you recommend using fixed term deposits? Currently in my country there are 6 month fixed term deposits of 3.4%, 1 year fixed term deposts of 3.5%...