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  1. M

    My wife started a new job, and the 4 insurance plans they offer are a bit confusing

    @glorydaz When open enrollment comes around in the fall I'd run the numbers to see what it looks like to have each parent with employee only coverage and the kids on a plan. Wouldn't hurt to run the numbers now on what it looks like to have one of you as employee...
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    Prescriptions that use to just have a $1 co-pay now aren’t covered by my insurance

    @trifo Is that CVS listed as an In-network pharmacy for your insurance? If you're not going to a preferred pharmacy for your insurance that could explain the copay change
  3. M

    Which Health Plan? : Kaiser Co-Pay Select Plan (w/o HSA) or HDHP with HSA

    @yana1 Is there is any difference in out of pocket max between the two plans? If heaven forbid the screening test is positive, you might end up meeting oop max. Looks like with what you know of expected expenses the HSA would cost you $113 more for the year. However, depending on your...
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    Choosing a marketplace plan between coinsurance and copay

    @starflower My guess is that you're someone who will probably hit OOPM and thus should take plan B's lower OOPM. But it's hard to do the math without knowing how the pharmacy end of things works for your plans. In your shoes I'd make a spreadsheet with all my expected costs and see how it goes...
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    Choosing a marketplace plan between coinsurance and copay

    @starflower It depends on several things like is your specialist tier 1 or 2? Do you have a deductible? Is this specialist your only health expense? Are the OOPMs the same for both tiers? What is the negotiated rate for a specialist visit in total? (You should have this information on an EOB...
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    Us “poors” can’t get a real doctor anymore and finding a NP isn’t easy either.

    @lkeffer I'm closer to the one in Kansas than the New York one. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
  7. M

    Us “poors” can’t get a real doctor anymore and finding a NP isn’t easy either.

    @teelea68 My research university affiliated hospital system has a number you can call for a primary care "matchmaker" for lack of a better term. Tell them who my insurance is, what part of townI'm open to appointments in, and any special requests (provider gender, language competency etc). Got...