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    surveying millennials (or anyone) - reasons why would you not want to invest in a property

    @izakmiles 9/10 its because no one has that much capital lying around to invest in real estate. the other 1/10 is because they already probably have real estate they stand to inherit.
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    Do we Millennials/Gen Z have it economically harder than our Gen X/Boomer parents?

    @musicismyreligion they're literally my friends. you literally don't know them? 😂
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    Do we Millennials/Gen Z have it economically harder than our Gen X/Boomer parents?

    @musicismyreligion they're my friends man alam ko nasa pusot isip nila
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    Need po financial advice for 16 y.o

    @rosie37861 This is the most important lesson: you’re only in competition with yourself. Stop comparing your life to other people’s lives because that’s not good for mental health and it will paralyze you from taking action because you think you’re behind. You’re not. This is the time for you...
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    Do we Millennials/Gen Z have it economically harder than our Gen X/Boomer parents?

    @caryann8514 Our parents generation were able to hit these "milestones" because they had families. Nauna mag-asawa at mag-anak. Financial literacy is so bad, millennials are faced with the likelihood they'll have to shoulder their parents in their old age. Millennials are getting smart. We're...
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    Fellow millennials, how are u guys doing economically nowadays?

    @mylifeiswithjesus probably a mental health thing haha.
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    Fellow millennials, how are u guys doing economically nowadays?

    @be4christ I make very good money, I have an emergency fund, I invest a percentage of my income every month, I have zero debt, I have HMO, I have life insurance (very low premiums bec I don't have dependents), I have disposable income--I still feel economically unstable. Lol.