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  1. L

    Is now a good time to buy NISA?

    @jwray You can't time the market. It's just one of those absolute truths about the universe that everybody's mind rejects ("but look, obviously it's too high/too low!") but which remains true anyway. The market is the synthesis of all available information. You can't consistently beat it, you...
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    Wealthnavi performance compare to other Nisa providers

    @cloyne What's your theory for why you'd get higher performance from the robot? The robot is just investing you in a bucket of ETFs that you can buy anyway. Within a NISA account, there's no tax loss harvesting or anything like that. So if you go buy an ETF mix of 35% US, 20% developed non-US...
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    Buying a condo with the intention of selling in 7~10 years?

    @davehtexas If this is a money decision, make a spreadsheet with your assumptions and model it out. I'm sure many of us would be happy to provide feedback on such a sheet. I think you will find that short term ownership like that is inferior to renting a similar property and investing the...
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    help me understand the boj’s considerations now

    @seekingtoserve Those yen are worth a third less when spent abroad. They're worth 2.7% less than they were a year ago when spent on the standard bundle of consumer goods in Japan.
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    What should I do with 3.5M yen?

    @nafis4268 You don't need to know where you're going to retire in order to start saving for retirement. You don't need to retire in Japan for Japan's tax-advantaged retirement accounts to be attractive. No matter where you work and where you live, you'll need significant investments in order...
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    Updated list of available products for new IBKR Japan accounts

    @sadmamacat Does anyone know if US citizens are able to invest in everything? I just got burned by setting up a Rakuten account because they had a great US ETF list, only to discover that I'm not allowed to buy any of them. Relatedly, can you make NISA investments using new and improved IBKR Japan?
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    help me understand the boj’s considerations now

    @christiangirl2017 I mean, when governments create central banks, they give those central banks an explicit mission, by law. The US system has a dual mandate of full employment and stable low inflation. Since 1998, the BOJ has had a single mandate of price stability, given to it by the Diet by...
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    Is 4-5 million yen a good salary in Tokyo?

    @illumine I dunno what OP wants. Based on post history, he's lived in Japan for about a year, so he has some idea what it costs to live here. He's an adult with an Internet connection, so it's not like cost of living information is beyond his reach. My questions in my comment above weren't...
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    Is 4-5 million yen a good salary in Tokyo?

    @pilgrim23 Don't get caught up in "is it good." That's meaningless. It's higher than a bunch of people's salaries, and lower than a bunch of other people's salaries. There's nothing useful to tell you there. What's good enough for you? What do you need? What are you trying to achieve? The...
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    help me understand the boj’s considerations now

    @pejak Why would the BOJ want a stronger yen? What's wrong with the current exchange rate from the BOJ perspective? The BOJ's legal mandate is "price stability," which they've decided means a 2% CPI growth target. March's YoY inflation was 2.7%. Inflation has been on a descending path for a...
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    Any downsides to elderly Japanese keeping most funds in 10-year Japanese treasuries?

    @hiscosmicgoldfish3 Since you said in another comment that they don't expect to access the money, why not use at least some of it on a riskier investment? I'm not talking about naked call options or whatever, but a simple global equities fund like VT can generate a nice return that can go to...
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    Diversifying to protect myself beyond the 10mJPY limit of deposit insurance

    @halleluyah It sure looks like you're asking for advice. If you're maximizing your expected wealth, you fill up your tax advantaged accounts, and then you buy low-fee globally-diversified index funds forever. There's no secret asset class that they only tell you about when you get to 30M. To...