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    State exam

    @dbg24 I thought the real exam was slightly easier.
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    I just can’t catch a break y’all

    @aladinair I concur
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    Is it worth it?

    @lightofthegoding What company?
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    I just can’t catch a break y’all

    @aladinair Positive for marijuana will get you tobacco rates at the company I work for
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    Term life how to structure, ladder or not?

    @bmillerware Yeah, just play around with the years and the numbers until it makes the most sense.
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    Term life how to structure, ladder or not?

    @bmillerware You could do the ladder for your wife as well.
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    Life Insurance Solves Financial Needs far Better than Retirement Accounts

    @evanburnside12 This is reddit, though. You can run into a power hungry mod just about anywhere. I doubt it's related to any company, just some financial guys who dislike permanent.
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    Are these good rates?

    @carnelia Does the 800k only pay out if it's an accidental death?
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    Life insurance

    @kittyb I'd consider a bigger death benefit. You could consider doing two policies: one term with a larger death benefit and one permanent. That's what I did for myself, actually.
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    Life insurance

    @kittyb Your age and health you should be able to get a larger term death benefit for a premium under a hundred lower month. I might think about a larger death benefit if you have younger kids. (Also depends on if father is in the picture and his financial status).
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    Life insurance

    @kittyb Need a little more information. How old are you? What's your sex? Married? Kids? Annual salary? Any debt? Mortgage? How's your health?
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    Does a broker earn a higher commission for substandard health ratings?

    @lordagary Yeah, a rating can mean a higher commission for the agent. Do some agents not fight for their clients because of this? Possibly. I believe most try to do right by their clients. I know I do.
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    Young and in excellent health. Underwriter pricing came back 3x original quote. What gives?

    @manxy I know depression can have a surprising effect on premium. An underwriter on here might be able to help with the other things.
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    Young and in excellent health. Underwriter pricing came back 3x original quote. What gives?

    @manxy What medical stuff came up? Do you or wife take any medications?
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    Whole or Term?

    @deltoots Why not both?
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    Worth or not: Whole life insurance, $207 a month for 64 y/o for 40k coverage?

    @flatassembler Good company, but I wonder if the premium will end up being higher. Sometimes underwriting is unpredictable.
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    Build Tables & Term Life Advice

    @marked At that weight he might get declined though
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    Worth or not: Whole life insurance, $207 a month for 64 y/o for 40k coverage?

    @flatassembler That's a solid premium considering his health and tobacco. What's the company? Also, has he already completed underwriting?
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    Evaluating whether to keep Whole Life my Dad bought for me

    @writingforlife101 Personally, I wouldn't cancel those. Are you maxing out your 401k?