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  1. R

    Loan repayment bounced, seeking recourse

    @blast0102 Sounds like a fee for the bounced direct debit rather than missing the loan itself, AIB still charge for this I think.
  2. R

    Loan repayment bounced, seeking recourse

    @analogica You didn’t have the money for both payments, how is that the banks fault? Pay it and move on. Don’t waste anymore time or energy on it.
  3. R

    Loan repayment bounced, seeking recourse

    @believe99 Yeah but only in terms of missed payments/missed dd/so. You can’t build your grade by getting loans and making repayments. The lending team don’t look at having no loan history as a negative at all.
  4. R

    Loan repayment bounced, seeking recourse

    @rickylee You’re right. Not having a loan/cc history is not a negative and is definitely not looked as such by the banks/lending teams.