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  1. 3

    Should I buy a car or apartment?

    This is the quick 1-minute planned budget. To explain: SAVING 10% - I have done since my first paycheck. Took it from Poor Dad Rich Dad. ETC - Anything that doesn't have a category in the budget. Mostly entertainment. FREEDOM BUDGET- My wife and I each get R1500 a month to spend on whatever...
  2. 3

    Should I buy a car or apartment?

    @40mikemike We are planning that this becomes the family car. Kids in like 4-5 years. In my head it gives me time to save for the apartment and wait for rates and property prices to go down.
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    Should I buy a car or apartment?

    Thanks for all the feedback. Just had a smoke so I don't understand much atm. Overall it seems it comes down to either the property, cheap car, or neither and investing it. I will probably go cheap car. I just absolutely hate this car and want to see it burn. But largely depends also on the...
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    Should I buy a car or apartment?

    @ktkls90 It is far less than 20% of our income, so is it?
  5. 3

    Should I buy a car or apartment?

    @noeljack I can't believe I am saying this but I know what the right decision is but the heart wants what the heart wants and my wife also really wants the car. Check below my quick 1 min planned budget.
  6. 3

    Should I buy a car or apartment?

    @noeljack Wife likes the XS. We were at the Toyota dealership checking out their demo cars as I knew the new cars were R440K which was out of the budget. But the salesman said there is a December promotion for R400K brand new XS. They are just trying to get rid of the 2023 stock in...
  7. 3

    Should I buy a car or apartment?

    Hi, New here but let's not waste time. My wife and I earn R62K gross collectively in a month. Her car is old and I have spent 50k on it in 2 years and currently, it is worth around R80K. We are considering selling it and buying a Corolla Cross for R400K. We want to put down a deposit of R100k...