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  1. C

    Why the timing of tax relief doesn’t matter, and why that’s an oversimplification (especially for pensions)

    @weakdruggy67 No. If you earn £30k gross and put £1k in an ISA then that's £1.2k you could've put into a workplace pension and still have the same take home pay remaining. £1.32k if your workplace pension is salary sacrifice.
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    Why the timing of tax relief doesn’t matter, and why that’s an oversimplification (especially for pensions)

    @roger5599 You admit the calculations are simplistic, which is true because for most people what matters is personal allowance. You'd pay 20% tax on the whole shebang now but only 20% on some (possibly none) if you use a pension. Of course higher/additional rate payers will save a bundle...
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    What happens to your mortgage when you upsize?

    @emmsmom81 This is precisely why we didn't port our TSB mortgage when moving. The 2nd mortgage had to be on a variable rate which was terrible, or a fixed rate with a totally difference cadence to the original one, and that was nowhere near the best rate around. Either way we'd have been on a...
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    Solar PV and Battery ROI - one year of data

    @ghaynes A 2021 build makes sense for this sort of setup. We'd love to switch to an air source or ground source heat pump but with a mid-80s house with 2 extensions, the insulation just isn't good enough. So solar + battery is as far as we can go without nearly knocking the thing down and...
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    Solar PV and Battery ROI - one year of data

    @hopingandhoping I think that 12p/kWh export tariff is only compatible with solar, not batteries. They require a wiring diagram to prove you can't export from your batteries.
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    Solar PV and Battery ROI - one year of data

    @ghaynes As of this week, Outgoing Octopus is compatible with Intelligent Octopus.
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    Why invest at all when fixed-rate savings account are so high? [6-month "update"]

    @resjudicata I bought a few hundred quid of AMD at like $30/share a few years ago. Obviously wish I bought more but it's provided a decent return. Of course investing in individual stocks is annoying because of the whole "when to sell" question.
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    Solar PV and Battery ROI - one year of data

    @wickedwoman This is my approach too currently but once I'm getting paid to export more than my usual import cost (later this week), I'll be charging my battery to 100% every night!