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  1. Y

    Should my SO and I both be maxing TSP/401k?

    @branpierce Thanks for the data point. We have quite a bit (too much?) in the HYSA right now for projects. I socked $20k into I bonds last year too as a just in case.
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    Should my SO and I both be maxing TSP/401k?

    @holywalk I’m shooting for 62 for both of us, but whatever second career I fall into could impact that if I enjoy it.
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    Should my SO and I both be maxing TSP/401k?

    My SO and I (35 and 36) bring in ~$180k gross. We have no debt other than a mortgage covered fully by BAH. We have two children in childcare (covered easily with our income) whose college is covered through a transfer of post 9/11 GI Bill benefits and a state benefit I will receive after a term...
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    Advice on TSP

    @marezee61 As other have said, lose the G fund. It’s up to you to determine how aggressive or diversified you want to be, but I’d go something like 70/15/15 C/S/I or even 80/20 C/S. C fund returns are historically better than S, but past performance does not guarantee future returns.