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    ETFs Beginner Qs

    @riane87 ETFs are for capital preservation not making money. If you randomly picked any ETF top 5 holdings and investing in them instead you would make more money then investing in a ETF. ETFs are for set it and forget and hope within 5 - 20 years you'll profit tyoe of investors. All have...
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    MyRizq Relaunch!

    @luckybogg Spam!
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    Invest or buy house in cash

    @annevdw54 For your situation 3 is is just plain dumb. 1 is most prudent. 2 is great as well. However 2 is safer than 1 since with 1 you have factor in taxes, time spent searching for deals and travel expenses. finding deals online is easy enough but only a fool would buy a property sight...
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    السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

    @leyanis Investing is halaal. In fact you pay zakat on stocks. If buying and owning stocks were haram you wouldn't pay zakat on them
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    السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

    @lessthannothing Leverage is haram since you have to pay interest on the loan. Most retail investors do not use leverage they actually use margin. All brokerages advertise leverage but in reality its margin.
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    السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

    @rob_macneal You sound like an absolutist.The purpose of shari'ah is to solve problems, the modern financial world involves riba. That is a fact. Since you think you have it all figured out. Explain how to the deal with the modern financial world without dealing with riba.
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    السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

    @rob_macneal The debt ratio has be based on something so what should the limit? Use Qur'aan and sunnah and usuli principles to prove your case.
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    Is cryptocurrency Haram in Islam?

    @farishta so basically you are admitting to be complicit in preying gullible people. A company's value comes from increased revenue, accumulation of assets , increase value of those assets. Cryptocurrency has none of these. It is based on the delusion there will be a greater fool than you who...
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    Dental School Loans

    @kristen_prays 1) Your only options to avoid riba is get a halal loan. Since you im assume you are not a US citizen , can you get loan from your home country? Assuming your home country is a Muslim country. 2) obtain as many...
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    Is cryptocurrency Haram in Islam?

    @simplymeandhe Simply, the debate between diffusion of knowledge based on memory vs written books, and a whole industry destroyed with thousands left with no work thereby crippling the economy. did you know then started allowing books of knowledge (not the Qur'aan) to be printed the copyists...
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    Is cryptocurrency Haram in Islam?

    @simplymeandhe That is NOT the reason the printing press took decades to implement. Who told you that lie?
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    Career in Finance

    @clomar You have bigger issues than the ones mentioned in your post. Based on the information provided you're setting yourself up for life full of frustration and regret.
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    Advice on these stocks??

    @michaeltx That's for you find out. If you do not know how to determine the if the stock is permissible or not you shouldn't be investing.
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    Help me calculate my zakat

    @burbylellen You need specific answers to specific questions thus you need to speak to mufti. Online forums are for general advice on general issues not fatwas on your own particular situation.
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    S&P 500 vs S&P500 shariah

    @sb_ The S&P 500 are the top 500 companies across the US stock exchanges. The S &P 500 Shari'ah is comprised only of stocks that shari'ah compliant. Many stocks are within both but only S&P 500 Shari'ah is halaal.
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    US Debt Ceiling - The Debt Ponzi Lives On

    @xiangoth1334 You're are full hate and spite you fail to realize people on disability are disable can not work. What kind of human thinks that societu should let these people starve and die? Shame on you! Also you fail to understand economics. If you have 14 MILLION people each month not...
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    Renting out property dilemma

    @sb_ A simple calculation is Profit minus Debt is the best "option. High Debt, Low Profit=Bad Deal Low Debt , High Profit= Good Deal
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    US Debt Ceiling - The Debt Ponzi Lives On

    @evgen You do have an agenda... to promote yourself as some kind of expert yet your comments betray you lack of knowledge. As with this comment you totally dismissed the subtext and context of my comment. Again: This is not some minor matter. People like you who live in bubble do not fully...
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    US Debt Ceiling - The Debt Ponzi Lives On

    @evgen No that not worst case scenario. People who has agendas shouldn't comment on matters they do not fully understand. The worst case scenario not agreement so the treasury will stop paying bills despite having some or most of the money to do so...
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    how to request a loan without riba

    @simplymeandhe So what, it is now. And yes my comment did counter what you said. You didn't fully understand the concept of money not the concepts of vehicle of exchange vs exchange of value. Shari'ah deals with issues in society. We ALL live within the modern financial system. Saying the...