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  1. Y

    Need advice for the next 5 years

    @trm16 Hey, thanks for the insight! The recurring sentiment I'm getting is that my food expenses is abnormal, and yes its just for a single person haha. Gotcha on splitting my expenses further and budgeting them. I've been using a money tracker app for the past year and should have enough...
  2. Y

    Need advice for the next 5 years

    @daniellehunt Oh yikes, its as if you can see my future plans! Before making this thread I was going save the additional RM600/month for a trip overseas by the end of next year. I suppose its still doable but I'll need to be more mindful on the immediate goal of my emergency fund. Thanks!
  3. Y

    Need advice for the next 5 years

    @mkdrive2 Thanks for your input! Any specific reason to go with ASB/ASN over conventional FD or MMF like Versa Cash?
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    Need advice for the next 5 years

    @holyspirit2014 I really love food and trying all kinds of new stuff. I suppose RM36/day for food is quite extra and I can definitely cut some expenses there. Thank you for your insight!
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    Need advice for the next 5 years

    Hello kawan-kawan! I'm a 27 y/o trying to get my finances in order before its too late. Some context on my current financial situation: Been working for 2 years, first year I basically saved nothing and was quite reckless with my money. Reality hits hard when I had to take over commitments that...