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  1. J

    Advice on "overemployment" potential?

    @maluchristian It's not uncommon for companies to not have even started thinking about a renewal until the last minute, so 2 months heads up that you may not be renewed AND coming through with a renewal as a Contractor is excellent. They like you and your work. If you keep contracting, get at...
  2. J

    The unrecoverable costs of buying a million dollar house now equate to around $1730 in rent a week

    @fola Ok, I am largely in agreement there. I don't think it logically follows that we need to maintain the current 2-3% target in perpetuity to preserve the value of our sovereign debt, though. We do, however, need to maintain more or less the same relative position to other countries to do...
  3. J

    The unrecoverable costs of buying a million dollar house now equate to around $1730 in rent a week

    @fola I understand that you're saying we've closed the door on them, but as a never-say-never type of guy, I have to ask: on what basis?
  4. J

    The unrecoverable costs of buying a million dollar house now equate to around $1730 in rent a week

    @fola Why would I look back at historic patterns? A few years ago, I was looking to understand the context that our modern convention of having central banks and the very mandate for price stability. I looked both locally and more globally as far back as I could get decent data for, in some...
  5. J

    The unrecoverable costs of buying a million dollar house now equate to around $1730 in rent a week

    @jamesbates This holds true for the last 30 years, basically since our pivot to neoliberalism and the application of QE ensuring ever decreasing interest rates. If you look back further, the historic trend has interest rates at around 5-6% on average, with far more cyclic swings, not the steady...