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  1. K

    Best ETF broker?

    @necrosect So it's €1 more expensive per trade than savings plans on Trade Republic and Scalable Capital. And you're restricted to a select few ETFs, otherwise you pay €3 per trade. Newcomers would rather just select a broker with free savings plans on any asset instead of having to learn...
  2. K

    Best ETF broker?

    @ddgator Higher fees than most other brokers, and probably the only broker that still pays zero for uninvested cash. Also they lend your shares without sharing profits with you. There are many better options around.
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    What is the go to ETF nowdays

    @lutheransamurai Tracking difference is irrelevant in the long term, TER os what matters. If the tracking difference was lower than the TER over the last few years, it just means that the ETF happened to outperform the underlying index those years. But over the long term, some years it will...