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  1. E

    eToro vs IB, if I want to buy and hold for 1 or 2 years?

    @nich4him And if I had invested it all in, I dunno, Tesla at a certain time then I'd have a heck of a lot more. Now, of course investing in the S&P500 is nowhere near as risky as investing in a single stock; but over such a short timeline it's still a gamble, and the thing about gambles is that...
  2. E

    eToro vs IB, if I want to buy and hold for 1 or 2 years?

    @rtrcam I agree with most of the others here that etoro is a bad choice; but broker choice aside, I think that if you are planning to withdraw your investment in 1-2 years investing in the stock market is a bad idea in any case. There's no telling what the s&p500 will be in two years. If it was...
  3. E

    How to invest during weak EUR, high inflation, and meek interest rate?

    @kcnalp Insofar as what the EUR will do against the USD next can be predicted, it's already priced in. For example, suppose that it was reasonably sure that EUR will rise again: then, all other factors being equal, shares of an European company would have a higher price than shares of a...
  4. E

    How to invest during weak EUR, high inflation, and meek interest rate?

    @kcnalp What is this "checking" thing you talk about? :-) But really, in the long run the expected return of currency fluctuations is zero. I don't know when (or even if) the EUR will regain strength over the dollar, and I'm not interested in attempting to guess - forex speculation is the...
  5. E

    How to invest during weak EUR, high inflation, and meek interest rate?

    @kcnalp I simply stay my course. I'll keep buying non-hedged global equity (as an aside, you are investing in emerging markets more than twice their market caps - that's a big tilt...) and EUR-hedged bond funds and straight up ignore whatever nonsense the market pulls next. A ship does not...