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  1. E

    Is just invest in the US market dumb?

    @mattmanticus So you agree this is a left tail event that cannot be eliminated by diversifying into investments outside of the US index. So let's assume this does not happen for the foreseeable future, and in that case the US stock market would likely still outperform on a total return basis...
  2. E

    Anyone tried GXBank? Feedback?

    @eeevie When I saw GX on my Grab app I thought this is finally a way for people to transfer their GrabPay Wallet balance to a bank account similar to TnG. Was very disappointed.
  3. E

    Is just invest in the US market dumb?

    @mattmanticus You do realize those dividends are paid out from earnings right? What do you think will happen to those earnings if things get bad enough and don't recover quickly?