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  1. P

    Is the new V3AA the VWCE Killer?

    @katie1987 Ya, liquidity is not an issue for ETF's they do not work the same way as stocks etc. the ETF fund providers contract with market markers to ensure that there is always an active market for the ETF around the net asset value price based on the value of the underlying holdings in the ETF.
  2. P

    Deemed disposal now applied to non EU i.e. US domiciled ETFS?

    @harkness See: Post in thread 'Revenue E-Brief on ETFs' maybe risk that investment trusts become offshore funds as they pass the test for a unit being redeemed within the fund, but ETF's no. I think it takes a...
  3. P

    Deemed disposal now applied to non EU i.e. US domiciled ETFS?

    @whovianpastorswife13 Blue Water wouldn't be a tax professional, just financial advisor. If you go to Ask about money ETF forum, another FA mentions the advice they got from a tax expert: Post in thread 'Revenue E-Brief on ETFs'...
  4. P

    Deemed disposal now applied to non EU i.e. US domiciled ETFS?

    @whovianpastorswife13 Ya, that's wrong. Revenue removed a blanket statement they used have stating that all non-EU domiciled ETF's are treated as shares as it would have caused issues with UK based ones post-Brexit and replaced/updated the definition of equivalent and non-equivalent ETF's...
  5. P

    Deemed disposal now applied to non EU i.e. US domiciled ETFS?

    @whovianpastorswife13 No, they have not. This was discussed at length on this Reddit a few months back when the revenue doc was first updated. Do a search for those threads.
  6. P

    Update on my Investment Strategy plans as a 26Y/O

    @cee_the_atheist Ya, no problem I get it. I would suggest that the way Irish people have done investment historically isn't what best practices look like internationally and is a by-product of the taxation environment (can be worked around) and financial literacy in the country (generally very...
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    Update on my Investment Strategy plans as a 26Y/O

    @cee_the_atheist The diversification comment relates to asset allocation mainly. Let's say you manage to keep things at 50% on Irish real estate. That's a huge exposure to a very small (globally speaking) real estate market in a small country in. Euro zone. It's not a good risk diversification...
  8. P

    Update on my Investment Strategy plans as a 26Y/O

    @cee_the_atheist Only things I will flag is the risk concentration you are building in one Irish asset class i.e. real estate, maybe ok to try and accumulate some wealth but you'll need to watch it and take some of the gains out of the properties and diversify it into other more global asset...