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    Benchmarking Salaries, Savings Rate and Networth

    @taylorjr94 Include epf or not?
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    Discussion : choosing 9 year loan despite high income??

    @docpotter Hi bro. I totally agree with your philosophy here. But I am curious: wouldn't you take quite a bit of losses from depreciation by selling off the cars so early?
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    Would you take a massive paycut & an unwanted job overseas for your dreams?

    @veryhappyman Maybe you can get a trusted headhunter to help you out.
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    Would you take a massive paycut & an unwanted job overseas for your dreams?

    @veryhappyman Good question. Since no job already and getting ready to settle down with GF, why WON'T you take the job? Can slowly find other job in SG in the meantime. Unless you have significant money reserve or passive income, being jobless really takes a toll on your mental health and...
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    PSA: Life Insurance tax relief (RM3,000) is expanded to include voluntary EPF contribution for YA2023

    @jonnyalliance Means if I put 3k into epf (not employer and mandatory deduction) I can claim tax relief under the life insurance category?
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    Discussion : choosing 9 year loan despite high income??

    @beautifulchristianone 4 is a very good point. A lot of people make the same mistake for mortgage as well.
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    Discussion : choosing 9 year loan despite high income??

    @minnietaz You don't actually have to keep your car for the full 9 years. You may need to keep it for the first 4 to 6 years to skip the period where the car depreciate the fastest. This is to ensure your sale proceeds can cover all or most of the remaining loan to the bank. Also you would...
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    Discussion : choosing 9 year loan despite high income??

    @muslim_terrorist Yeah. By paying more money today, you are basically losing out on opportunities, be it stocks , epf or own business. It doesn't even have to be an investment. If someone had the foresight to convert myr to usd/sgd 9 years ago, there would also be handsome forex gains
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    Discussion : choosing 9 year loan despite high income??

    @schnolhamor Obviously most here would say get the 5 year loan because they do not want to pay more interest to the bank But I also went with 9 year loan despite being able to afford a 5 year loan. This is because of 1) cash flow as you pointed out. As I regularly dca into stocks, cash flow is...