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  1. P

    Hospital billed 12k, insurance says it should be 4k. I’m left with the difference. How is this allowed?

    @kbirchtree Yes. This is why going to out-of-network providers is bad. Your insurance does not have to negotiate with the hospital, and the hospital does not have to negotiate with the insurance.
  2. P

    High out of network costs, which HSA HDHP plan?

    @capestorm This is a very cool spreadsheet and I say that as someone who works in this field & makes my own complicated spreadsheets for this very purpose. That said, some of your inputs are confusing and I think it comes down to what you mean by costs. It looks like you are equating 'cost'...
  3. P

    High out of network costs, which HSA HDHP plan?

    @capestorm How do you know that you won't be balanced billed?