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    Passive investing: ETF vs Mutual Funds. Do we have a new winner? (Data backed research)

    @gracedaily No but in general your capital gains tax is lower with ETFs vs MFs.
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    Passive investing: ETF vs Mutual Funds. Do we have a new winner? (Data backed research)

    @cordlessvacuumcleaner Can you elaborate on what's different? Isn't the following applicable to ETF/MF in India - "ETFs are more tax efficient than index funds by nature, thanks to the way they’re structured. When you sell an ETF, you’re typically selling it to another investor who’s buying...
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    Passive investing: ETF vs Mutual Funds. Do we have a new winner? (Data backed research)

    @cordlessvacuumcleaner See the way capital gain taxes are calculated in ETFs vs MFs -