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  1. P

    Can I move cash into my S&S ISA before 5 April, and take it out afterwards, to take advantage of my remaining allowance?

    @jakson90 Thank you, I wasn't aware of there being flexible vs. non-flexible ISAs. Had a quick look now and seems all Vanguard S&S ISA's (which I have) are flexible ISAs though: I will be maxing out my...
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    Can I move cash into my S&S ISA before 5 April, and take it out afterwards, to take advantage of my remaining allowance?

    @zenia Strange, this is what I feared as well. When I previously talked with companies who offer ISAs, they said that the allowance only takes into account "net flows" in any given year. Therefore if I take out 3k in any year and put in 23k, it will still count as only 20k contributed, not 23k...
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    Can I move cash into my S&S ISA before 5 April, and take it out afterwards, to take advantage of my remaining allowance?

    @jjgodman The aim is to be able to save £23k tax free vs. £20k. My question therefore is whether this will enable me to do so
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    Can I move cash into my S&S ISA before 5 April, and take it out afterwards, to take advantage of my remaining allowance?

    @sashieng Thanks for your reply. I expect to be able to save more into my S&S this year (got a raise at work), easily hitting my 20k allowance. I want to prepare as much as I can and not lose any tax advantages. I feel by not using up my allowance this tax year I would essentially lose out on...
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    Can I move cash into my S&S ISA before 5 April, and take it out afterwards, to take advantage of my remaining allowance?

    Thank you @TheRealWhoop, it seems my plan will indeed work. The key is that you need to have a flexible ISA.
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    Can I move cash into my S&S ISA before 5 April, and take it out afterwards, to take advantage of my remaining allowance?

    @gabrielleb Thanks a lot for your reply. I have a Vanguard S&S ISA. From this webpage it seems it is flexible by default I believe this means my plan will work, but please tell me if I am wrong.
  7. P

    Can I move cash into my S&S ISA before 5 April, and take it out afterwards, to take advantage of my remaining allowance?

    Dear UKPF, I have about 3k of my ISA allowance left for this tax year. I have about 3k cash however I can't invest this at the moment I need to pay rent, bills etc. However I want to max out my allowance. Can I put this 3k cash into my ISA on the 4th of April, "park it" until the tax year...