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  1. D

    Changing careers and moving cities to afford a home - is my budget feasible?

    @airamnire I read it more as a knock against Edmonton than pro-toronto.
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    Changing careers and moving cities to afford a home - is my budget feasible?

    @blessed2017 Hardly. I actually lived in my twenties.
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    Changing careers and moving cities to afford a home - is my budget feasible?

    @blessed2017 Right, I'm sure. Say "hi" to your mom for me when she comes downstairs with your snack.
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    Changing careers and moving cities to afford a home - is my budget feasible?

    @blessed2017 You need to feel lucky to think the federal government pension, which is considered fully funded at the moment, will exist when you retire? You have a small pessimistic streak in you I think.
  5. D

    Changing careers and moving cities to afford a home - is my budget feasible?

    @blessed2017 That's absurdly harsh and demonstrably untrue for multiple generations so far.