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  1. H

    IUL Initial Premium (Annual Pay)

    @kim5398 Yeah, I think it's terrible that bad actor agents sell it the way they do. A quick glance at YouTube will make your stomach turn to see all the people pitching it as infinite banking and be your own bank. And the gamesmanship by carriers is indeed kind of scary. No cap indexes but...
  2. H

    IUL Initial Premium (Annual Pay)

    @kim5398 Are you seeing the general opinion of IUL get better or worse? Or stay the same? I feel like so many people don't understand its benefits if properly structured and just jump on the bandwagon of hate because they are ill informed.
  3. H

    IUL Initial Premium (Annual Pay)

    @kim5398 Honestly, I'm not sure on the subject matter of demutalization. As it pertains to the IUL I gather, it was designed for RIAs working in an assets under management setting. But any agent can sell it as long as they're OK with no commission. The link below is basically it branded...
  4. H

    IUL Initial Premium (Annual Pay)

    @kim5398 Kinda sounds like Warren Buffet nickname Oracle of Omaha, but one word is different 😄. Normally, their IUls aren't very competitive, but they have a no load IUL that isn't advertised. And no per $1k fees either. Just COI and $60/yr admin. Agent isnt making any commission but he's a...
  5. H

    IUL Initial Premium (Annual Pay)

    @kim5398 Thank you. I felt like I had gone crazy when my agent told me they couldn't do that.
  6. H

    IUL Initial Premium (Annual Pay)

    -My check is in the mail to carrier X. It's for the annual premium amount and is the initial premium to bring the policy in-force. -Policy allows for transfers. -I've requested that my premium go into the fixed account and then on the sweep date each month, 1/12th of the amount of the check in...